
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

weekend randomness

Our weekend started on Friday with a trip to the midwife clinic to check on baby Anderson.  Brooks and Daddy came along for this visit.  And I'd have to say the highlight for Brooks had nothing to do with the baby, but instead with the helicopter that took off from the landing pad, right across the street from the clinic.  His whole little body was shaking with excitement as he kept saying "ch ch ch ch ch" - ya know, like a helicopter :)

We were able to listen to baby's heartbeat for the first time!  I still love that sound.  It totally made this pregnancy much more real to me and Chris.  Even Brooks was fascinated with the sound coming from the doppler.  We kept telling him "baby", but I still don't think he understands.  The kiddo's heart rate was around 180 bpm.  We were told we have a "happy little baby". 

Saturday was pretty normal.

"You lookin' at me??"

Well, maybe not totally normal.  I guess most mornings Brooks doesn't wander around the house in Daddy's sweatshirt, but it was fun.  Then after a breakfast of eggs and sausage, a haircut through which Brooks screamed, and a shower (with more screaming), Dad conjured up a little bit of this.

crib + 20 balloons = one very happy toddler :)

Saturday evening Chris and I went out for dinner in an attempt to beat the Valentines crowd.  But apparently half of Sioux Falls had the same idea and they, too, were hungry for Texas Roadhouse steak.  You just opened the door and it was ... well ... the term "sardines" comes to mind.  It took you 10 minutes just to claw your way to the counter to let them know they called your number.  This is fun, right??  Once we were seated, we actually enjoyed a very nice dinner where I (of course) ate too much.  But now I have baby as an excuse when I say my pants don't fit very well :)

Sunday morning we worked our first shift in the nursery as volunteers.  Of course that would be the Sunday with 10 or so new visiting babies, but with the help of our ever faithful Nursery Coordinator, we not only survived, but enjoyed the time with the kiddos.

Sunday afternoon I took a much needed nap, and then Dad had more tricks up his sleeve!  (I'm starting to see why dads are always the fun ones)

Yep, that would be a 7 foot tall snowman!  It was such a nice day that he and Brooks headed outside to create this monster.  Brooks tried to help but after falling face first into the mud, he was content just watching.

We're finding more and more that we just love being home as a family!  I mean, it's fun to go out and do stuff, but most evenings (and weekends) we just hang around the house ... playing.  This is the kind of stuff that life is made of.  And I love it!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Well, on Saturday the frigid colds temps finally broke (at least for a day or two) and enabled us to enjoy the outdoors.  It was close to 30 degrees that day, but felt like 60 compared to the -30 temps we'd been having.  Anyway, we pulled on our snowpants, laced up our books and took to the slopes.  The sledding slopes that is.  It was Brooks' first time sledding and he LOVED it.  He's always been my outdoor-sy little guy and this was no different.

And despite his oversized snowpants, the clunky books and the squishy snow, Brooks was actually able to walk around.  In fact, that's what he preferred to do!! 

Every time we tried carrying him to the top of the hill, he'd yell "down down" and wiggle out of our arms until we had no choice but to comply.

But because he wasn't quite able to walk up the hill himself, we had to push him up in the sled.  Yeah.  That's a lot of work.  Makes me tired just thinking about it.

And even though he tipped over on most of his trips down, he never cried or complained.  Just asked for "more".

After our cheeks were sufficiently rosy, we decided to pack it up and head home.  Chris planned to shovel the sidewalk while Brooks and I went inside to start dinner. But he begged to stay outside and help daddy.  So he stayed out another 45 minutes or so, totally happy with just being outside.  This weekend is supposed to warm up again so I'm looking forward to some more outside time with my boys!