
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Watch Me Grow: 1 Month

Yep, our little Carter James is one month old.  Crazy, huh?  Here's some highlights from his first month of life.
  • This kiddo LOVES to be held.  And that's probably because I hold him all the time.  But can you blame me?  He's so adorable!!
  • Not only does he like to be held, but he also has taken a liking to sleeping in our bed.  He starts out the night in his bassinet in our room, but at some point in the night he always ends up in bed with us.  He sleeps better that way and I .... well, I actually sleep.
  • Carter has earned the nickname "Squeaker".  When he wakes in the night to eat he doesn't cry (nice, huh?).  He just grunts and squeaks.  It's really cute.  But don't think we have the world's easiest baby.  He cries plenty during the day - usually when he's not being held.
  • He likes to look at our red curtains and at lights; especially the lights in our bathroom.
  • Mirrors make him stop crying.  That is very helpful to know!
  • The best way to get Carter to sleep is to bounce on the exercise ball with him on our chest.  Does it almost every time.  It's tiring but at least I'm getting some exercise!
  • A few times he's cracked a smile at me.  And he didn't immediately poop afterwards so it's not just gas :)
  • He eats every 2-3 hours, sometimes more often.  He'll go a stretch of abou 4 hours at night between eating.  That's nice.
  • We started cloth diapering with Carter.  At first it wasn't going so well - he was leaking out of them all the time.  I couldn't figure out if it was me or the diapers.  Then we switched to FuzziBunz and no more leaks!  Good to know it wasn't me.  Now I actually enjoy it.  And washing them is so easy - not as gross as everyone expects.
  • He's already grown out of his newborn clothes.  Sure didn't take long.  But the way this kid eats, it's no wonder he's growing so much! 
  • Brooks LOVES Carter.  He's always getting him his pacifier, covering him with blankets and rocking him in his chair.  Now I'm just teaching him that Carter doesn't need his paci when he's already sleeping, blankets don't go on the baby's head and we don't need to launch Carter out of the rocking chair.  But he's learning and he's a good help.  He's such a good big brother!!