When I was a freshman in high school I remember a conversation I had with my youth pastor. He said "I can't wait until I'm 30." By which I was really confused. 1) Because 30 seemed like 100 years away and really old and 2) who wants to get older?? So naturally I asked why?
And he said something like "As you get older, you become wiser. Just think how wise I will be when I'm 30!"
And that stuck with me. (I'm sure he has no recollection of this conversation, but it clearly had an impact on me.) So here I am. Today. On my 30th birthday. And I, too, approached this day with anticipation. I can say with fair certainly that I am indeed wiser, more mature, more seasoned than I was 10 years ago. And certainly more so than when I had that conversation at the age of 14. I've learned a lot of things, some of which the hard way, over the last three decades. And for that, I'm thankful for 30. Thankful for all the life experiences I've had. It feels good to have a few more "grown-up years" under my belt.
Now I can only image how wise I'll be at 40. But that's, like, 100 years away. I don't need to think about that now.