As much as I love my newborn babies, I just love when they get a bit older and their personality starts to show. They become more interactive, smile more and you can actually put them down for longer than 30 seconds without them screaming their ever lovin' head off. haha! We're loving our Cole baby.
At 4 months old, Cole ....
- is still wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
- drools constantly and chews on his fist like it's his job. Still no teeth.
- has started showing interest in toys. His squeaky moose is his favorite.
- found his feet :)
- has a fantastic smile.
- laughs! But what makes him laugh changes from day to day.
I spy dimples! |
- gets the hiccups every time he laughs.
- got his first hair cut. The mullet had to go!
before |
after |
- has started going to the church nursery on Sundays. He'll join us for worship, but then he gets too bored and noisy to sit through the quiet part.
- rolls over to his tummy very easily. Then rolls to his back. Then to his tummy. He's always moving.
- can pull himself in a circle when on his tummy to reach a toy. Seriously, this kid needs to slow down!
- will take an hour-ish long morning nap and (on a good day) will take a 2-3 hour afternoon nap. Then he'll usually sneak in a short nap in the evening.
- falls asleep for the night around 9pm.
- will usually sleep 6-8 hours at night, but hit a growth spurt this month which included more night time feedings.
- sleeps in his own bed well, but still enjoys snuggling with Mama too.
- has started tolerating being worn in my Boba carrier. But only if I'm moving. Constantly.