At 5 months, Cole ....
- is wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
- loves playing with toys, especially ones that make noise.
- is very good at getting toys, blankets, paper, and his fingers into his mouth. Everything goes in his mouth!
- loves sucking/chewing on blankets. It's like his pacifier.
- gets bored easily. With 3 big brothers around, he's used to constant entertainment.
- likes playing in his excersaucer.
- nurses every 2-4 hours during the day.
- spits up a lot more than he used to. That plus the drooling make bibs a requirement every day.
- smiles and laughs often. He's having so much more happy awake time during the day.
- loves to look at and play with the shower curtain.
- will either nurse to sleep or likes to be bounced on the big ball until he falls asleep.
- sleeps great in his own bed, but doesn't sleep well on mama anymore. Usually there's too much going on for him to sleep on my chest during the day.
- naps inconsistently. Some days he'll only take 45 minutes naps. The next day he'll sleep for 3 hours in the afternoon. It makes planning the day difficult, but at least he sleeps.
- wakes up every 2-4 hours at night to eat. I really miss those 6-8 hour stretches of sleep :(
- will wake to nurse and then go right back to sleep. I think it's been several weeks since he's thrown a "let's be awake for an hour at 4am" party.
- still loves being naked and bath time. It's the easiest way to calm him down.