At 6 months old, Cole ...
- is still wearing size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes, although they're both fitting more snugly than last month.
- is very efficient at getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth, but still isn't crawling yet.
- still chews on everything. Paper is his favorite. Nothing is safe on the floor.
- drools constantly. Still no teeth.
- has become a hair puller. And a cheek pincer. (isn't that supposed to work the other way around??) He has a very strong grip and whatever he grabs on to, he will NOT let go of.
- nurses every 3-4 hours during the day. Sometimes life gets so busy that I just forget to feed him. Even when he starts squawking and crying I think "Good grief, why are you so fussy??" Oh. right. You're hungry. Poor 4th kid.
- has been sleeping a little longer at night. Lately he's been going to sleep between 8-9pm. He'll wake to eat around midnight, again around 4ish, and then up at 7am. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after I nurse him, but usually our day starts around 7am.
- usually takes a short nap in the morning (30-45 minutes) and then a longer nap in the afternoon (2-3 hours). Sometimes he's squeak in a short early evening nap, but not very often.
- threw a few 4am parties this last month. I knew I shouldn't have said anything :(
- has the best smile and giggle.
- received his 2nd hair cut at the beginning of October. The crazy newborn hair got chopped :( Part of me wanted to leave it since it was the hair he was born with, but we ultimately decided to cut it since we had family pictures coming up.
- talks and coos all the time. He focuses so hard on making "words" come out. My favorite sound so far is "mumumumumum"! We'll just go ahead and say that's his first word ;)
- takes a bottle really well. That makes it easier for this mama to be away from him.
- prefers to be bounced to sleep. Or sometimes nursed to sleep on the bed. He does NOT like to be rocked when he's tired.
- holds on to his blankie and sucks on it while we're bouncing him to sleep.
- is tolerating being worn in my carrier, but only if I'm constantly moving. That's made running errands and trips to the park so much easier.