
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cole Oliver. 8 months.

It has a been a month of giant changes in our house!  Cole decided all at once he was ready to grow up.  I'm not so sure how I feel about that though.

At 8 months old, Cole ...

  • weighs 17lb.  He has a good amount of chub on his little body, but is very strong & even a bit lean given how much he moves around.
  • is wearing size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 at night (because Mama hates changing diapers during the night)
  • wears size 9 month clothes.
  • sits up independently.
  • crawls on his hands and knees very well.  He can get anywhere he wants to go now.
  • pulls himself up to his knees and up to standing.  He's good at getting up, but we've learned he's not so good at getting down.  I've soothed lots of cries dues to bumps and bruises and falling down this last month.
  • has climbed up a few steps and has fallen down a half flight of steps. We now own a giant baby gate that covers both stair cases and stock in our chiropractic company.
  • celebrated his first Christmas at our house.  Grandma Marty and Papa Dave came to visit.  He loved eating the wrapping more far more than playing with the presents inside.
  • always found a way to get to the Christmas lights and put them in his mouth!
  • has tried a few more foods - carrots, squash, green beans & applesauce.  He doesn't love any of them.  He doesn't enjoy eating foods.
  • still takes good naps during the day.  He's super flexible with our schedule, sometimes going all morning without a nap.  He'll just make up for it with an extra long nap in the afternoon.
  • is the worst.sleeper.ever. at night time.  He STILL wakes every 1-2 hours at night to nurse.  I long for even 3 hours of consecutive sleep at night.  I don't even remember what that's like :/
  • is developing a stronger tummy so I'm now able to add beans, broccoli, cauliflower and some peanut butter back into my diet.  He still cannot tolerate me eating dairy yet.  We learned that the hard way after I was accidentally "cheesed" at a restaurant and Cole was up every half hour that night crying in pain.  I've haven't seen him that sad in a very very long time.
  • loves bath time.  And since he can sit up well now, I'm not as paranoid about him tipping over & drowning.
  • can tell Mom and Dad's feet apart and will fervently crawl towards Dad when he is home.
  • is starting to explore the kitchen cupboards
  • puts everything in his mouth.  Well, except food of course.
  • is drooling less and less these days.  He still only has the two teeth.
  • is interacting more with his brothers.  It's fun to see his personality start to develop.
  • smiles often.  He's a really happy baby :)