
Monday, March 29, 2010

I said I would never ...

It's so funny when you think you have life all figured out and then everything changes.  Anyone with any kind of wisdom and life experience would think "well duh".  But in my youthful ignorance I found myself making plans with all sorts of "never" and "always" statements; when in fact, there is hardly anything in life where you can use the word "never" or "always". (notice I didn't say there would never be a time in life where you would use the words never and always ........... I digress)  But as I grow older, I'm learning that life is much more fluid than I expected.  And all those things I said I would never do ... well, life changes.  For instance ...

I said I would never go to school at North Central University.  People get shot there.  I started my freshman year at NCU in 2002.  And I didn't get shot.

I said I would definitely minor in music in college. I finished 10 credits short.

I said I would never get married before I graduated from college.  Chris and I were married in July 2005.  I graduated from college in May 2006.

I said we would always live Big Lake, MN.  We moved to Sioux Falls, SD in March 2008.

I said I would always be a Children's Pastor.  In two weeks, I will be stepping down from my position at church to do something WAY different.

I said I would never be a stay at home mom.  As of April 12, 2010 I will officially be a full-time stay at home mom!  I never expected my life to change the way it did after my son was born, but it has in ways only a mother would understand.  And it breaks my heart not being with him everyday - watching him grow and learn and experiencing life.  And so after much thought and a lot of prayer, we have decided that I will stay home with Brooks.  I'm excited and nervous and anxious all at the same time.  But we know God is in this and I can't wait to invest more of my time and energy into my family.

And lastly ...

I said I would never own a mini van.  Well, I've held true to this one so far.  But they are pretty handy, and well, who knows?

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