Well folks, we're half way through this pregnancy!! HALF WAY! Where has this time gone?? I mean, D-day still seems like forever away, but to think we're halfway through already seems kinda crazy. And with summer coming, I'm sure the second half will go just as fast. Yesterday we had temps in the low 70's and I thought "summer is finally here!" But alas, today was back down in the thirties with rain and plenty of wind to accompany it. Oh, the joys of living in South Dakota.
Ok, enough whining. On to baby news. Shortly after my last post, I finally felt the baby move. In fact, it was on Friday, March 25th to be exact. Yeah, I wrote it down :) The kiddo is still pretty small and so are his/her movements, but I LOVE feeling them just the same! Now this pregnancy is starting to become more real to me.
We have decided to keep this kiddo's gender a suprise! How exciting, right? But like I said before, we're not even going in for an ultrasound, so we can't know anyway. I get mixed reactions when people hear that we're not finding out, but even more so when we tell them we're not getting an ultrasound.
"Why no ultrasound?"
"Are they not safe?"
"How can you plan without knowing the gender?"
"Don't you want to see your baby?"
"Is something wrong with you??"
Ok, I haven't been asked that last question, but the reason is simple. This is a low risk pregnancy, and there's nothing to check out. So we're not doing an ultrasound. Makes sense, right? Good. Glad we're all agreed on that.
Now the only trouble is that we'll have to think of TWO names. And I have all sorts of lovely girl names swirling around in my head (seriously, we could be having quadruplet girls - and we're not by the way - and I'd have them all named) but absolutely no boy names. Which according to Murphy's Law means .... we're having a boy. Ok, I don't know that but I'm just guessing it to be true. But keeping with my gut instinct we've decided to nickname the baby "Guy". Yep, just Guy. Little Guy is fine. Baby Guy works too. But this is our Guy. And well, if it happens to be a girl ... she'll never know the difference :)
Oh ... I almost forgot to write about the Anniversary!! It truly was a big day in our house. April 12th marks the 1 year anniversary of when I began my new job as a full time mom!! Hooray!!!! Again, this year has gone so fast, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. Brooks is growing up way too fast already and I'm so glad I was around this last year to see all of it! And I'm excited for this year to come. Brooks will turn 2, we'll add another kiddo to the family (making us a family of four - eek!), I will continue teaching my Bradley classes. I love life and my family and I only have God to thank for it all :)
I hope you enjoy being surprised at the gender of baby. We didn't know with any of ours and it was a huge thrill! You look great. Praying that all goes well...