
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Picture a Day - May 10

Choose your caption:

1.  Today Brooks got his first official scraped knee.  He was running on the sidewalk and, like his clumsy self, tripped and fell.  And despite what this picture shows, he never shed a tear.  He even wiped it off himself!

2.  Yes, that would be my son wearing socks with his sandals.  He's kinda OCD (wonder who he gets that from??) about his feet.  He's tried on two different kinds of sandals and he refuses to wear either one.  He much prefers socks and shoes.  But shoes are SO hot and his feet get SO sweaty that I figure the sandals would breathe more.  So yeah, he looks dorky but it will have to do until we figure out a better solution.

3.  This crying face is pretty much what I deal with all day long.  We're entering the terrible twos!  And top that with molars popping through and seasonal allergies and we have a crabby, demanding, over-sensitive, whiney (did I say crabby?) little boy.


  1. Have you had a chance to check out the Waiora information and NCD product for the allergies? I shared some with the Lutheran pastor in town, and they have been giving them to their daughter with reported good results! Lue has tried them, too. Let me know if you have any questions!

  2. I haven't had a chance to look at them. The weather has cooled off a bit here and so have B's allergies.
