I don't have any new bump pictures to put up. sorry. working on that. trust me, it's still there and still getting bigger. I don't even have any kid pictures to put up. Wanna know why? We moved! (and I can't find the camera) Yep, we moved ........ again. A month ago we received a call from the guy who owns our house (ya know, the "I promise to rent my house for a LONG time and as long as I have good renters I will continue renting" guy) saying he was moving back to Sioux Falls aaaaand ............... back into his house. Well, isn't that nice. 'Cause ya know the thing I wanted to do most this summer was pack up everything I own while being 7 months pregnant and move it somewhere else ... oh, and with a toddler.
But after going through all the steps of greiving (crying, anger - I really wanted to throw rocks at someone, more crying, denial, anger again, more crying, finally acceptance) we realized that we're not really in control of our lives anyway and somehow (somehow) this must be God's plan. So we collected boxes, packed most of our stuff into them and moved. The nice thing about moving (if there can be a nice thing) is that each time we move we get rid of more junk. But this time we actually had valuable junk and sold it on Craigslist, giving us a little stash of cash :) I'll take an extra few hundreds dollars, thank you.
So the move on Saturday actually went really well. We have awesome friends who gave of their time, trucks and backs to move our very heavy furniture into our new house. (Note to self: invest in inflatable furniture.) Then a few more friends came by in the afternoon along with our new neighbor girl and helped us unpack. So by the end of the day, I'd say over half of our stuff was out of boxes and put away where it belongs (sort of). That was a really good feeling. And every night this week has been unpacking, re-organizing and cleaning (don't even get me started on how very un-clean this place was). Soon we will be settled. Soon this will feel like home. And hopefully (hopefully) we'll be in this place for a long time. Well, at least longer than 10 months.
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