
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baby Bump - 35 weeks

Whew, that baby is sure getting big.  And believe me, I am fully aware of my size every time I *try* to roll over in bed, or attempt to get up off the floor after playing cars with Brooks.  I can honestly say that I love being pregnant though - even though I'm in my last month of pregnancy and it's been crazy hot here the last few weeks.  I figure I'm only going to be pregnant for a short time in my life and I better enjoy it while I can. 

Here are some pregnancy related highlights to catch you up on what's going on:
  •  This baby really doesn't have a nickname.  Once upon a time we called him/her "guy", but that seemed to confuse people.  "Oh, so you're having a boy?"  Um, no we just picked the name at random - we don't know what we're having.  And since Brooks just refers to my growing bump as "baby", that's what we do too.
  • This baby has been sitting WAY lower than Brooks ever did.  In fact, at this point in my pregnancy with Brooks I was icing my ribs after work everyday because he decided that shoving his butt under my rib cage was grand ol' fun.  Not this kiddo.  He's made a comfy little nest right on top of my bladder and pressing against my lower back/hips.
  • Because of baby's position, I have had persistent lower back & hip pain.  All I can say is THANK YOU Dr. Marsh!!!  My chiropractor has allowed me to sleep well at night, sit & stand without constant pain and pretty much allowed me to enjoy this summer with my boy!  And with just a few weeks left until D-day, I'm seeing him on a weekly basis.
  • Probably the most interesting thing about this kiddo is how much he/she moves.  And I'm not just talking about kicks and stretches.  Oh no.  This baby will start breach, flip to transverse and land head down .... all in the same day!!  Only to repeat this pattern the next day.  And the day after that.  And the day after that.  This has been going on for weeks ... probably months.  Even my midwife and chiropractor are amazed at how much this kiddo is still (literally) flipping around inside.  I'm just praying real hard that baby decides to end this gymnastics routine soon and will eventually land in the head down position - oh and not tangled up in the umbilical cord!
  • We're working harder on preparing for birth now.  We're doing relaxation on a regular basis and have even done a labor rehearsal in our living room.  And I'm so impressed by my husband because he's been the one to initiate most of these preparations.  I teach this stuff for a living, but he's still reminding me to eat my eggs every day (because I totally forget otherwise), and practice relaxation and to keep doing my kegels and pelvic rocks.  He's such a fantastic husband and labor coach and the best daddy our kids could ever hope for!!! 
That's about it.  I have a feeling these last five weeks or so are going to go by really fast and really slow at the same time.  I'm just tyring to enjoy my last few days being pregnant before we become a family of four!!!

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