
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Underwear Snatcher

Every morning while Brooks is eating breakfast, I lay out his clothes for him on the couch.  And it never fails that while Brooks is trying to get dressed, Carter comes up, grabs Brooks' underwear (just the underwear) and starts running through the house waiving them like a flag!  Oh, and squealing.  Waiving them like a flag and squealing with sheer delight.  And Brooks is always right on his heels yelling "CARTER, NOOOOO!  Those are MIIIIINE!!"

And I know Carter wouldn't care about the underwear at all, except that he knows it bugs the crap out of Brooks.  It's hilarious!  Well, to me anyway.  Brooks doesn't find it so funny.  He's so used to this routine now that anytime Carter even steps into the same room as him, Brooks throws himself over his clothes to protect them, again shouting "CARTER, NOOO!"  And just so the boy can put on his clothes in peace, I usually try to occupy Carter for a while or I'll send Brooks up to his room and have him shut the door.  Carter definitely has his role as the little brother perfected :)

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