
Sunday, June 23, 2013

4 years ago ....

4 years (and a week) ago a big thing happened in our house.  I mean really big!  I became a mom.  Chris became a dad.  Brooks David was born.  And this year the celebration of his birth happened to land on Father's Day (we knew it would happen eventually).  So we had two special guys to celebrate!  Not gonna lie though.  Although we tried to celebrate our Daddy as much as we could, Brooks received most of the attention.  Neither didn't seem to mind.

The festivities actually began on Saturday night with a little party at McKennan park.  This mama really didn't have the energy or ambition to host a pinterest-worthy party, so we settled for pizza and cake in the park with a few close friends.  Brooks thought it was awesome!

Brooks requested, of all things, a Viking cake for his birthday.  And unfortunately he didn't mean the nordic pillagers.  So this die-hard Packer fan mama swallowed my pride and made a Minnesota Vikings birthday cake for my special guy.  He loved it!

Oh, and what's a 4 year old party without a little shuffle board?  No really.  They played shuffle board.  All the equipment was set out at the park, so the dads and kids went and played a few rounds.  Brooks still talks about it!  Who knew it was so fun!?

Birthday presents!

We ended the evening with a baseball "game" with Brooks' new bat and ball from Auntie Heather.  He still loves playing with balls.
Blowing bubbles
Uncle Joel and Grandma Gale
Katie & Eric aka "Jake's mama & daddy" :)

On Sunday we started the day by going to church then had a low key lunch.  After that Brooks opened presents from Grandma Marty and Papa Dave that they had sent in the mail.

A whole drum full of instruments.  My little musician LOVED it!
Anderson Family Band.  Watch for us.  We'll be big someday!
He makes this marching band mama proud!!!
While the "musical" ruckus was going on in the living room, Chris started assembling Brooks' new scooter he received from Grandma & Papa Gale at his party. 
Then while Carter was napping, Chris and Brooks did the ONE thing Brooks had been looking forward to for weeks.  Going to the arcade.  And it was extra special because it was just him and Daddy.  He had! 

We ended the evening with Brooks' requested birthday meal - hot dogs and chocolate milk.  No joke.  That's what he wanted.  And the rule in our house is you can have whatever dinner you want on your birthday.  But while he and Carter ate hot dogs, Chris and I enjoyed bacon wrapped sirloin steaks with fresh sauteed mushrooms and mashed potatoes.  I was NOT going to feed him hot dogs on Father's Day :)

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