(And I would like to note: I don't expect anyone to buy us anything. I really don't. This is more just a list for my own sake, so I can start gathering these things. But if you feel so inclined to bless our family, we would truly be grateful!)
Swaddle blankets. This seems odd that we would need these. Before Brooks was born we had more baby blankets than I thought we could ever use. Ever. But over the last four years they've been used for both boys as actual swaddle blankets, with Carter as spit-up ponchos and now as diaper changing pads .... so yeah, we could use some new ones.
Carseat cover. In the past, we've always just thrown a blanket over the car seat to keep the wind out. But with this being our first "winter baby" and with the wicked way the wind blows here, I figure it would be good to have something that secures to the car seat itself to keep Poppy warm and out of the wind.

Wet bag. We cloth diaper. And we only have one wet bag. And while it's big enough to hold all the diapers we use, it's nice to have a second for when the first is in the wash. I'm not picky about color or whether it's store bought or home made. It's going to hold poopy diapers. But it would just be nice to have one more.
(It's for this kind of thing - and the car seat cover - that I wish I knew how to sew.)
Amber Necklace. 10.5 - 11.5". We bought an amber necklace when Carter started teething, and holy "no more screaming" batman does that thing work! I would LOVE to have one for when this baby starts teething too! And oooh, and let me check. Yep! I even have a discount code (SAVE). Sweet.
NB & Size 1 Disposable Diapers. Yes, I know I said we cloth diaper. And we do. But I usually don't start with the fluff until baby is a few months old. I don't feel like it's a worthwhile investment to buy XS cloth diapers for the few months that they would wear them. Plus, newborn babies poop all.the.time. and I would be doing waaaaay more laundry than I would care to do postpartum. So we'll need disposables.
NB - 18 month clothes. Considering we already have two kids (and boxes upon boxes of clothes in the garage), it feels odd knowing I'm going to need new clothes for this baby. I mean, if it's a girl we'll obviously need clothes. She may not be too keen about wearing firetruck and dinosaur jammies. I know I won't be. But even if it's a boy, we'll need new clothes. My first two kids were summer babies and with this kiddo coming in January, all the clothes we have are totally opposite season. Grrr. So I'm sure I'll be keeping my eye out for good sales and certainly be hitting up the consignment stores after baby comes.
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