Here's just a few random highlights from the weekend.
- I bought the boys matching outfits for Christmas. Totally cheesey, right? But they're so adorable!! And I figure they won't let me do this forever, so I might as well while I can.
- We had a very brown Christmas this year. In fact, on Christmas day (and the day after) the temps reached into the 50's!!! Um, seriously? This is South Dakota. Last year at this time we were buried in snow with sub zero temps. Kinda missed the snow for Christmas, but I certainly am not complaining about this weather. Chris and Brooks played outside on Monday and Chris had his coat off!
- I cooked a 22lb turkey the day after Christmas. Yep. Twenty two pounds. I saw turkeys on sale at the store a few weeks ago and that was the smallest bird they had. But I figure we like turkey and I can always use the leftovers and make tons of broth. Which is the reason I made it the day after Christmas. It's a ton of work de-boning a huge bird like that and I wasn't going to work that hard on Christmas!

- Brooks' "big" gift from us was a beta fish. We figured since the dog was gone this was a nice (and quiet) pet for him to take care of. He was really excited when he saw him. And when we asked him what he was going to name him, he said without missing a beat "Tom". Huh. Ok. So now we have Tom Fishy in our house. And Brooks talks to him in fishy language. "Blub blub. Good morning Tom Fishy. Blub blub. Are you hungry." Seriously. This kid totally cracks me up!!
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