Even though it was in the low 30's (and yes, that's warm for South Dakota), we knew it would get chilly being outside so we bundled up and headed out!
I snuggled Carter in my wrap for our winter stroll. I considered just putting him the stroller, but I really wanted him to see the lights too. That and he kept me nice and warm :) He loved looking around for a while, but it did get quite chilly so I eventually threw a blanket over him to keep his face warm.
We went to the top of the observation tower and looked out.
I wish we had a camera that took better night shots, but you get the jist of it.
On our way back to the van Brooks found a stick and insisted on taking it home. I was going to protest, but he was so proud of his little treasure that we decided to let him keep it.
There's just something about a boy and a stick. And the funny this is that since we put on him his big, puffy "warm" mittens, he wasn't able to pick up or hold the stick. So we picked it up for him and he pinned it against his chest and carried it back to the van. Where there's a will there's a way I guess!
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