
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Potty Training Diaries: Day 2

We put Brooks in a diaper overnight.  If he couldn't go two hours during nap without an accident, there was no way he was going to make it 10 hours overnight.  One thing at a time.  So his diaper was wet this morning, as I expected, but it was also poopy.  Bummer.  I was hoping he wouldn't poop in the diaper but again, one thing at a time.

The morning went really well.  He had two small pees (you know, the just a dribble kind) on the potty.  So I started pushing the fluids.  Let me tell you, this kid does not have to be talked into a big glass of juice!  The boy slammed down 8oz in one gulp.  About an hour and a half later he comes running "Oh no!  I pee on Woody!!"  I looked and there was a tiny pee spot on the floor so we rushed into the bathroom where he finished peeing.  He peed a lot!  Good job buddy!  Other than that, the morning was accident free.

He peed right before nap time (twice) and again I left him in underwear.  I'll commit a whole week to him napping in underwear before we decide if he can handle that or not.  We'll see how it goes.

Well, Brooks woke up in wet underwear but it looks like it was less than yesterday.  That's good progress.  He was still sad about being wet, but after changing his underwear and peeing on the potty, he felt better.

This afternoon/evening we had two bigger accidents.  But I'm mostly to blame.  I lost track of time and both times it had been over an hour since he last peed and I forgot to have him sit on the potty.  I guess in the back of my mind I was hoping he would tell me he had to go, but I'm probably getting ahead of myself.  After both accidents, he was upset that he peed and ran to the bathroom and finished the job in there.  All good signs.

The hardest part of this day by far was not Brooks, it was Carter.  This baby would NOT sleep unless he was in my arms, which I can only do for a limited amount of time with a potty training toddler.  So with little sleep, Carter was super crabby.  Another reason why I probably wasn't as on top of it with Brooks today.  Chris was on baby duty tonight because I just couldn't take any more of a screaming, non-sleeping baby.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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