
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Potty Training Diaries: Day 7

Well, our day started early in this morning.  As in 1am early.  Chris woke up to Brooks crying in his room and he went to check on him.  I figured he had finally pooped and wanted his diaper changed.  But when Chris went in he found that Brooks had puked.  All over himself.  All over his bed.  (sigh)

Brooks had complained that his tummy hurt earlier that evening and he didn't eat any dinner.  But I figured it hurt because he hadn't pooped since Friday afternoon.  Guess that wasn't it.  So we're trying to clean things up and Brooks is just crying.  He was tired, obviously not feeling well, and most of all he was upset that he could no longer wear his Buzz Lightyear jammies.  It seriously took me 10 minutes to convince him that Elmo jammies would have to do for tonight until we could wash Buzz.

We cleaned him up and tucked him back into bed.  Only to hear him throw up again 15 minutes later.  And again half an hour after that.  Poor kid.  There wasn't anything left in his tummy at this point, but I felt so bad that was sick.  We were out of clean sheets, so I just threw a blanket down over his bed for him to sleep on.  And of course he threw up on his pillow too so he didn't have one of those either.  His bed was looking pretty bare.  But fortunately that was the end of it and he slept straight through until 9am this morning!

He still didn't have much of an appetite today and just nibbled here and there.  I was trying to push fluids as much as I could.  My biggest concern with pukey sick is dehydration more than the throw-up itself.  So because his body was just absorbing all the water and juice he drank, he didn't pee too much.  But he did tell us when he had to go and always peed on the potty.  I'm feeling pretty confident that he can stay dry most of the time.
But he still hadn't pooped.  It had been over 48 hours since his last bowel movement (see?  I know his poop schedule better than my own)  So right before bed Chris sat him down on the potty one more time to see if he could get him to go.  They sang songs and told stories.  Anything to keep him interested in sitting there and pooping.  And he did!  Finally.

The problem though, was that since he hadn't gone in so long it was a really hard poop and his bottom was actually bleeding a little bit.  He was hesitant to even stand up after he went.  I wish I knew how to get him to poop more regularly.  Then it wouldn't hurt so much and he wouldn't be so upset by it.  But it seems the eternal battle with every kid potty training is how to get them to poop.  Hopefully he'll fall into a routine and become more comfortable with going on the potty.

Well, that's it!  Our potty training week has concluded and overall I say it was a success.  It was worth hunkering down and just doing it!  But I am looking forward to actually leaving the house this week.

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