
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not a Crafty Mom

So I've realized that I'm not a crafty mom.  I don't craft things for myself.  I mean, I wish I did.  I tried learning how to sew in high school, but as my mother could tell you I just didn't have the patience for it.  I wouldn't mind learning how to stamp or scrapbook, but I don't have the space for all the materials.  I think photography is neat but I don't have the money or time to learn.

And since I'm not crafty myself, I usually don't do crafts with my kids.  We do have paint and glue and scissors, but they're not used all that often.  I know I should be better and perhaps a book of "kid crafts" would inspire me.

But then I realized that although I don't create things with paper or fabric, I do like to create things with food.  I love to cook.  And I've always loved baking.  And if I'm going to take the time to make something, I want it to be useful.  Like something we can eat.  So the crafts in our house happen in our kitchen.  Today's craft?  Graham crackers.  And Brooks loved helping!!

They were delicious!  Perhaps I'm just a little bit crafty after all.

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