... is quarantined in their house together. Doesn't really have that romantic ring to it, does it?
Early Tuesday morning I woke up to Carter spitting up (or so I thought) in his bed. He had nursed an hour before and it's not unusual for him to spit up (just take a look at all my stained shirts for proof), but when the "splash" was audible ... I knew it couldn't be good. And thus commenced our day of Carter puke. Which to be honest wasn't all that terrible. He'd nurse and then spit it all back up. It was just a large amount of spit up. And surprisingly he didn't cry much. He was just really really tired. Took two long naps that day. Finally that evening he was holding down a little breast milk My biggest fear with pukey sick is the dehydration, so I was really happy that something was staying down. We sat in the recliner together. Him attached to my boob, me watching old Julia Roberts movies. All in all, not too bad. However, him waking every hour that night to nurse was terribly exhausting. All I wanted to do was let him cry himself back to sleep so I could sleep, but I knew he needed the fluids so we nursed. And nursed. And nursed.
Yesterday he was holding down fluids, but had no appetite and was still really lethargic. And last night he actually slept for more than a hour at a time. In fact he slept from 7pm until 5am. And come this morning he was pretty much back to himself. Except for those awful awful poopy diapers. Oh, I can't even describe to you the smell. Then starting last night and today I have had this crampy tummy ache. Not nauseous and probably all in my head, but I was pretty wiped out today. Probably my turn next, I figured.
Nope. Wrong. Next came Brooks. I went upstairs around 3pm today to get Carter from his nap and when I returned Brooks was crying saying "I spiiiit uuuuuuup". Sure enough, he puked. In his lap. There was more to come and I'll spare you the details, but now Brooks is full blown sick. Can't keep anything down, sick. He's upstairs sleeping now, but every 1/2 hour or so he wakes up dry heaving. I feel so bad for him. It seems worse than Carter's case. When your three year old looks at you crying saying "make my tummy feel better" I just want to magically make it all better. I've prayed over him, rubbed his back, cleaned him up and have changed his clothes and bed sheets several times, but other than that there's not much I can do.
And to top it all off, now Chris is complaining of a stomach ache. Probably the same crampy thing I still have but since he has a much more active gag reflex than me, it looks like I'll be on puke duty alone tonight. Motherhood. It really is the job you never punch out from. I'm just anxious for my family to be healthy again.
Oh, and after doing some looking online, I suspect we have a case of Rotovirus going around. Fits all the symptoms. And several other people's kids in town have it too. And guess what? It's contagious 10-12 days after the onset of diarrhea. So it looks like we really will be quarantined together.
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