
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Cole Oliver. 9 months.

We're creeping closer and closer to that 1 year mark.  And as much as I'm sad to see my baby grow up, I'm loving Cole's personality coming out and seeing him explore everything around him.  He's learning so much and amazing me every day with what he can do.

At 9 months Cole ...
  • is wearing size 3 diapers during the day (size 4 at night) and is wearing 9 month clothes.
  • popped in two more teeth on the bottom and three on top! (total of 7 now)
  • crawls everywhere.  Fast!  He's always on a mission to go somewhere and rarely sits still.
  • pulls himself up to standing with ease and has learned how to get back down again without smacking his head on the ground.  A very handy skill indeed.
  • is impossible to get dressed or change his diaper.  He's constantly rolling over and trying to crawl away.  It's like wrestling a monkey!!  
  • Still puts everything in his mouth.  He has discovered the treasure trove of crumbs that are always on the floor under the kitchen table.
  • Began the month not very interested in foods, but in the last week has dove in head first to eating solids.  He doesn't love to be spoon fed (although if I force it into his mouth he won't spit it out), but he very much enjoys feeding himself.  We were trying just to give him a few foods at a time to watch for allergies, but, well, he's the 4th child and pretty much just gets what's on our plates. (or what's on the floor) He loves eating cooked carrots, shredded chicken (meat is his favorite!), avocado, grapes, blueberries, puffed kamut, bananas, potatoes, eggs and quinoa.
  • LOVES bath time, although he never sits still which makes this mama nervous.  He loves splashing and chewing on all the bath toys.
  • naps great during the day,  but still sucks at night time sleeping.  We need to start working on that.  I've gone 4+ months without a single night of good sleep and I'm wearing thin.
  • lays down to sleep all by himself.  We just give him his swaddle blanket, he shoves it into his mouth to suck on it and falls asleep on his own.  He refuses to be rocked or even held for longer than 10 seconds.
  • discovered windows and the outside world.  He thinks it's pretty great.
  • loves his Daddy.  Whenever he's home, Cole will chase him down and pull himself up on his legs to be held.
  • has learned to sign "nurse" (which he uses frequently).  He's so smart.  I need to work on teaching him more sign language.
  • enjoys pulling all the canned goods out of the pantry and pot lids out of the cupboard.  This kid never sits still.
  • has mastered climbing stairs, but hasn't the faintest idea of how to go down them.  The baby gate is still up!
  • laughs at silly noises, belly raspberries and his goofy brothers.  He loves being entertained.

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