At 10 months old, Cole ...
- is still wearing size 9 month clothes. Which is weird, because at this age Benny was in 18 month clothes!! With how active he is, Cole doesn't have a chance to be a chubby baby. He's quite muscular for a little dude.
- is a kid on the move. If he's awake, he literally never sits still. Even if you're holding him, he's trying to climb your shoulders and bounces all over.
- has been pulling himself up to standing for a few months, but has just started taking steps along furniture. Walking is not too far off.
- is *finally* starting to sleep longer stretches at night (knock on wood). We bought a sheep skin rug which is supposed to help with sleep, and over the course of a few weeks he's gone from waking every 1-2 hours at night to consistently sleeping 3-5 hours at a time. Hallelujah! We've also starting using magnesium lotion on his feet before bed and I think that's helped too.
- takes two good naps during the day - one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon. I definitely enjoy the break. I love that kid, but he destroys everything when he's awake.
- learned to sign "more" when eating. He folds his hands together and lifts them into the air. It took me a while to figure out that's what he was saying, but he seemed pleased as punch when he signed it and I offered more food.
- eats everything. Fruits, veggies, meats, oatmeal. Bath time has become a regular occurrence because he also wears most of the food I feed him too. Ha!
- has become less interested in nursing. Perhaps it's because he's eating more foods or that he's just too busy to stop and nurse, but I usually have to force him to sit down and nurse (in a quiet room without distractions). But even when he's on my lap, he's grabbing at my nose, pulling on my lips or scratching my chest! Ugh!
- loves being outside! Now that's it's getting a little warmer out, Cole's enjoying stroller rides around the block. He's going to have a lot of fun this summer!
- still puts everything in his mouth. Every.thing. I really should brush up on my CPR & Heimlich skills.
- still loves bath time. And he's figured out that splashing is super fun!
- has starting drooling a lot again, but no new teeth have popped in.
- loves to laugh. His belly is very ticklish and always giggles when we blow raspberries. His brother's silly noises and antics usually are good for a laugh too. He'll even laugh if you just look at him and laugh. He's such a happy baby!
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