
Monday, October 26, 2009

Like puppy like son??

Ok, so for as long as I can remember our dog Charlie has had this strange habit of sucking on blankets. No really, sucking on them. He doesn't chew on them (because he gets in trouble for that), just sucks on them. He gathers the blanket between his paws, wraps his mouth around it and goes to town. It's so weird, but I guess if it makes him happy, who am I to stop him?

Well, being that Brooks is 4 months old and likes to put everything in his mouth, I knew this was bound to happen. Both my little guys sucking on their blankets at the same time. ::sigh:: Only in our house!

Monday, October 19, 2009


This weekend Chris, Brooks and I had planned an outing to the corn maze on the north side of town. We packed the snowsuit, boots, hats and of course the camera. We hit the road and about 10 minutes away from home we realized we forgot the baby carrier ... crud. Well, I certainly didn't want to push a stroller through a muddy corn maze and carrying him would have been too much, especially for our wiggly little boy. So we opted for Plan B: the Butterfly House.

Right here in Sioux Falls, there's an Outdoor Campus run by the Fish & Game Dept and part of that is the Butterfly House. So we decided to check it out. I think Brooks was a bit overwhelmed by it. My poor South Dakota baby has hardly ever seen a tree before! So it was fun to see him explore. He touched the leaves, listened to the little waterfall and did the best he could to keep up with all the butterflies floating around. I think he had fun ... we sure did. Here's some pictures from the day. You can see more here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

my boys

I am impressed more and more everyday at how wonderful of a father my husband is. Yesterday he spent quite a bit of time with Brooks while I took my much needed Sunday nap and then went grocery shopping. Chris' project for the day was to put plastic on our drafty windows, and he decided that the boy should help. What a team!

I also found some other (older) pictures of Chris and Brooks. I am blessed with a wonderful family.

Chris' first fathers day. Brooks - 5 days old.

Brooks - 1 month old.

What a good snuggler.

Tummy time with Daddy! Brooks - 3 months old