
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Cole Oliver. 7 months.

This has been a big month for Mr. Cole.  Lots of milestones,  Lots of changes.  My baby is growing up so fast!

At 7 months old, Cole ....
  • is on the move.  Forward!  He's figured out army crawling and is slowly working on hands and knees crawling.  Nothing is safe on the floor anymore.
  • took his first tumble off the bed.  (see above)
  • loves to eat paper!  Sorry Siouxland Library :(
  • cut his first two teeth in.
  • still chews on everything.
  • is babbling and cooing all the time.  We call him our little sheep "ba ba ba ba ba"
  • loves looking at himself in the mirror.
  • is a grabber!  Hair, clothing, your face!  He pinches (hard!) and tries to put it all in his mouth.
  • takes great naps during the day.  He usually sleeps for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon.
  • sleeps terribly at night!  He's my worst night sleeper by far.  I'm lucky if he'll sleep 3 hours at a time before waking to eat.  Usually he's up every 1.5-2 hours :(  It's like having a newborn all over again.
  • tried his first foods at the end of November.  Avocados.  He wasn't a big fan.  I was hoping eating solid foods would help him sleep longer at night.  So far, no luck.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cole Oliver. 6 month.

And just like that, our little Scooter is 6 months old.  He's growing and changing so much and I'm just soaking up all his baby goodness before I blink and it's gone.

At 6 months old, Cole ...

  • is still wearing size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes, although they're both fitting more snugly than last month.
  • is very efficient at getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth, but still isn't crawling yet.
  • still chews on everything. Paper is his favorite. Nothing is safe on the floor.
  • drools constantly.  Still no teeth.
  • has become a hair puller.  And a cheek pincer.  (isn't that supposed to work the other way around??)  He has a very strong grip and whatever he grabs on to, he will NOT let go of.
  • nurses every 3-4 hours during the day.  Sometimes life gets so busy that I just forget to feed him.  Even when he starts squawking and crying I think "Good grief, why are you so fussy??"  Oh. right.  You're hungry.  Poor 4th kid.
  • has been sleeping a little longer at night.  Lately he's been going to sleep between 8-9pm.  He'll wake to eat around midnight, again around 4ish, and then up at 7am.  Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after I nurse him, but usually our day starts around 7am.
  • usually takes a short nap in the morning (30-45 minutes) and then a longer nap in the afternoon (2-3 hours).  Sometimes he's squeak in a short early evening nap, but not very often.
  • threw a few 4am parties this last month.  I knew I shouldn't have said anything :(
  • has the best smile and giggle.
  • received his 2nd hair cut at the beginning of October.  The crazy newborn hair got chopped :(  Part of me wanted to leave it since it was the hair he was born with, but we ultimately decided to cut it since we had family pictures coming up.
  • talks and coos all the time.  He focuses so hard on making "words" come out.  My favorite sound so far is "mumumumumum"!  We'll just go ahead and say that's his first word ;)
  • takes a bottle really well.  That makes it easier for this mama to be away from him.
  • prefers to be bounced to sleep.  Or sometimes nursed to sleep on the bed.  He does NOT like to be rocked when he's tired.
  • holds on to his blankie and sucks on it while we're bouncing him to sleep.
  • is tolerating being worn in my carrier, but only if I'm constantly moving.  That's made running errands and trips to the park so much easier.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cole Oliver. 5 months.

These months seems to be going by faster and faster.  Cole is definitely on the move.  He's very proficient at rolling over both ways, pulling himself side to side to reach toys. pushing himself up on his arms (and thereby pushing himself backwards) and even getting his butt in the air to all fours!!  Full on crawling is not too far off  And part of me wants to cheer him on because I know he's so much happier when he can get to the things he wants to.  It's fun to watch him explore new things.  But part of me wants to yell "SLOW DOWN!".  Being my last baby, it's bittersweet to watch him fly through these milestones knowing it'll be the last time.  Plus, I hate baby proofing!
At 5 months, Cole ....

  • is wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • loves playing with toys, especially ones that make noise.
  • is very good at getting toys, blankets, paper, and his fingers into his mouth.  Everything goes in his mouth!
  • loves sucking/chewing on blankets.  It's like his pacifier.
  • gets bored easily.  With 3 big brothers around, he's used to constant entertainment.
  • likes playing in his excersaucer.
  • nurses every 2-4 hours during the day.
  • spits up a lot more than he used to.  That plus the drooling make bibs a requirement every day.
  • smiles and laughs often. He's having so much more happy awake time during the day.
  • loves to look at and play with the shower curtain.
  • will either nurse to sleep or likes to be bounced on the big ball until he falls asleep.
  • sleeps great in his own bed, but doesn't sleep well on mama anymore.  Usually there's too much going on for him to sleep on my chest during the day.
  • naps inconsistently.  Some days he'll only take 45 minutes naps.  The next day he'll sleep for 3 hours in the afternoon.  It makes planning the day difficult, but at least he sleeps.
  • wakes up every 2-4 hours at night to eat.  I really miss those 6-8 hour stretches of sleep :(
  • will wake to nurse and then go right back to sleep.  I think it's been several weeks since he's thrown a "let's be awake for an hour at 4am" party.
  • still loves being naked and bath time.  It's the easiest way to calm him down.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Cole Oliver. 4 months.

As much as I love my newborn babies, I just love when they get a bit older and their personality starts to show.  They become more interactive, smile more and you can actually put them down for longer than 30 seconds without them screaming their ever lovin' head off. haha!  We're loving our Cole baby.

At 4 months old, Cole ....

  • is still wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
  • drools constantly and chews on his fist like it's his job.  Still no teeth.
  • has started showing interest in toys. His squeaky moose is his favorite.
  • found his feet :)
  • has a fantastic smile.
  • laughs! But what makes him laugh changes from day to day.
I spy dimples!
  • gets the hiccups every time he laughs.
  • got his first hair cut. The mullet had to go!
  • has started going to the church nursery on Sundays.  He'll join us for worship, but then he gets too bored and noisy to sit through the quiet part.
  • rolls over to his tummy very easily.  Then rolls to his back.  Then to his tummy.  He's always moving.
  • can pull himself in a circle when on his tummy to reach a toy.  Seriously, this kid needs to slow down!
  • will take an hour-ish long morning nap and (on a good day) will take a 2-3 hour afternoon nap.  Then he'll usually sneak in a short nap in the evening.
  • falls asleep for the night around 9pm.
  • will usually sleep 6-8 hours at night, but hit a growth spurt this month which included more night time feedings.
  • sleeps in his own bed well, but still enjoys snuggling with Mama too.
  • has started tolerating being worn in my Boba carrier.  But only if I'm moving.  Constantly.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cole Oliver. 3 months

Well, somehow, against my will, this dude is getting older.  And bigger.  He's 3 months old already and growing like a weed.  But there are three big brothers to keep up with, so I guess I understand his hurry.

 At 3 months old Cole ...

  • wears size 3 diapers.
  • has outgrown all his 3 month clothes,
  • is still the hottest/sweatiest baby ever.
  • is taking great naps during the day.
  • sleeps well in his car seat 
  • consistently sleeps 6-8 hours at a time at night.  Hallelujah!
  • can get his hands to his mouth.
  • chews on his fist constantly.
  • drools a lot (I fear teeth are coming soon)
  • is a very happy baby now that I've eliminated all the gassy foods out of my diet.
  • has wonderful, big, open mouthed smiles :) Although he's camera shy whenever I try to capture it.
  • coos and talks to us all the time.  He's even started dinosaur growling.
  • is totally entertained by his goofy big brothers.
  • has learned to rock himself in his little rocking chair.
  • can roll from his back onto his side easily.  Can't quite get to his tummy yet.
  • just rolled from his back to his tummy as I was typing this. Haha!
  • still loves to be swaddled and bounced or rocked to sleep.
  • will sometimes nurse to sleep on the bed.
  • likes to be held facing out.  There's a big world that he needs to see!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Cole Oliver. 2 months.

Time is so funny with a baby in the house.  Some days drag on and yet, here we are, with a 2 month old.  A lot has changed in the last month, mostly for the better thankfully.

At 2 months old, Cole....
  • weighs 13lb 4oz (holy giant baby!)
  • is stretching to the end of his 3 month clothes
  • wears size 2 diapers
  • is having a lot more happy awake time
  • had his lip & tongue tie revised at 5 weeks old.  The recovery was super rough, but thankfully he's doing much better now
  • still doesn't have an amazing latch, but it's better than it was before
  • is the least consistent napper. ever.
  • is sleeping longer stretches at night time, sometimes up to 5 or 6 hours at a time!!
  • loves to look at faces
  • is starting to smile and coo (my favorite!)
  • still loves to be swaddled
  • is no longer a fan of the pacifier. he prefers to nurse to sleep
  • doesn't love his car seat, but he's not crying the entire time he's in it anymore.  so that's good.
  • does not like being worn in my wrap or sling.  super inconvenient.
  • has a very sensitive tummy.  I've had to cut out all dairy, soy, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peanuts/peanut butter, any kind of sausage and orange juice.  (sigh)  Food will be fun again someday.
  • loves bath time and being naked in general :)
  • enjoys diaper changes

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Cole Oliver. 1 month.

It's hard to believe it's been a month since Cole arrived in our arms.  It's a little sad because these newborn, squishy, sleep all day times are so fleeting.  But it's good too since those early newborn days are so hazy where I'm still recovering from birth, the baby has his nights and days mixed up, the big brothers are behaving terribly since they, too, are adjusting to a new life.  So it's nice to be a little more settled into a routine.

The big boys were all convinced we should name the new baby "Superman".  Hence the shirt :)
Anyway, we're ALL loving our little Cole boy.  For real, the big boys fight over who's going to hold/rock/pacify him.  Which would be great, except that they're boys.  And it's gets a little rough!  More than once I've said "We're not going to fight over the baby!" and "Don't hurt the baby!!"  Cole has come out ok so far - no major incidents - but I feel like it's only a matter of time.

For the first few weeks. Cole cluster nursed.  For a few hours, he'd eat every 20 minutes or so, which was a little exhausting knowing I couldn't go too far from him when he was awake.  Showers didn't happen much.  But then he'd sleep for a few hours.  Now at 1 month, he's spaced out his feedings a bit more and he's really not interested in nursing if he's not hungry.

Part of that may also have to do with his tongue tie.  That's been our biggest struggle so far.  The frenulum under his tongue is a bit too short, so he's not latching well.  Thankfully it hasn't caused any issues for ME but he's taking in a lot of air when he eats.  Which means there's a lot of gas in his poor little tummy :(  Plus, I've leaned that yet again, I will be going dairy free while nursing.  I've also cut out soy, beans, broccoli, peppers, onions and anything that might seems spicy/gassy.  (sigh)  Fare thee well cheese.  It was nice knowing ya.

But since I've cut out those things, he's been much happier.  And when we get his tongue tie fixed on Thursday, that will hopefully resolve any remaining gassy issues.  He really is a pleasant baby, but not when his tummy hurts.

Night time sleep is getting better now that he's figured out his nights and days.  Most nights he'll sleep for a few hours (any where from 2-4 hours), nurse and go back to sleep.  Sometimes though if he takes in too much air while nursing his tummy will hurt so we have to get up, burp and then rock back to sleep.  Sometimes that takes 20 minutes.  Sometimes that takes an hour or more.  Coffee is my very best friend.  He'll sleep part of the night in his rock n' play and part of the night in our bed.  Quite frankly, I don't care where he sleeps.  As long as he sleeps!  Daytime sleep is anything but consistent.  One day he'll cat nap all day long.  The next he'll rock a couple 3 hour naps!  If having 4 kids has taught me anything, it's to let go of expectations and just take each day as it comes.  If Cole is having a hard time sleeping, then we binge watch Netflix and I hold him for his whole nap.  If he's having a happier day, then I can put him down and wash a load of laundry or something.  The housework is so far behind it hurts my head to thing about it, but I know I won't get these days back either with my tiny boy.  So the dust sits.  The floors remain unswept.  And my arms and heart are full :)

Cole loves to be swaddled.  It's guaranteed to calm him down almost every time.  He takes the pacifier pretty well if he's tired.  He's a big fan of being held, but not always in my wrap or sling.  To put him to sleep, I'll usually swaddle him, give him the touchie (aka pacifier) and rock or bounce him to sleep.  He loves movement,  But he hates riding in the van and usually cries the whole time we're driving.

He's also a hot little baby.  He sweats more than anyone else in our house.  Most days he's just in a onesie, even to sleep at night.  I'll swaddle him in a thin, muslin blanket and he'll still wake up sweaty.  If he's sleeping with me, the bed will literally be wet where his head was.  And because I don't wash our sheets every day, my side of the bed is, well, kinda gross.

Cole loves learning our faces and is becoming more interested in watching his goofy brothers.  He also LOVES ceiling fans and staring at lights.  Oh, to enjoy the simple things in life.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cole Oliver. A Birth Story.

It was Monday, May 2, 2016, 4 days before my "due" date.  I had just come off of THE busiest week of my pregnancy. (note to self: running a rummage sale for 3 days at 38/39 weeks pregnant is NOT a good idea.  It's just not)  We were all still feeling a bit cooped up and the kids were driving me, and each other, CRAZY so we packed up in the van and left the house.  We stopped at Goodwill to drop off the last of our rummage sale stuff, I grabbed coffee (as my reward for not killing the children), went to the chiropractor (where I assured him I would indeed see him the following Monday still pregnant), picked up a few homeopathics for the birth, and stopped by Chris' office to visit Daddy.  It was good.  There was no fighting.  We needed to get out.

Once back home, the boys played outside and I sat with my feet up on the back patio soaking in the sun.  All last week it was cold and rainy so this was a welcome change.  I had a massage scheduled for that evening that I was very much looking forward to.  It was going to be a good day.  It needed to be a good day.

While I was making the boys' lunch, my lower abdomen started cramping.  Awesome.  This was a regular occurrence during the last few weeks of my pregnancy since this baby was sitting SO low.  Sometimes those poor muscles just gave up on me and would start cramping.  So I rubbed magnesium lotion all over my belly, something that had helped in the past.  But today, it was proving not so helpful.  A little while later it cramped up again.  And a bit later, again.  Dang cramps.

It wasn't until about an hour later that I realized these "cramps" might be contractions.  It's still funny to me that I've had three other babies (and I teach people about labor for crying out loud!) and I still didn't recognize these as contractions.  Around 2:30ish I texted Chris and our doula to let them know what was going on.  I wasn't totally convinced this was labor as the contractions were very mild and I was easily walking and talking through them.  But I wanted to make sure they had their phones close by, just in case this developed into something.  A little while later our doula, Suzanna, called to see how I was doing.  I felt kind of silly even talking about labor, because this definitely didn't feel like it.  But I knew how Benny's birth went and I wanted people to be at the ready.  I told her I was doing great and would keep her posted if anything changed.  Then she asked me if today was a good day to have a baby.  Hmm.  I hadn't really thought about it.  I wasn't even to my due date yet so I wasn't really thinking about labor, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that "yes", today was a good day to have a baby.

A little while later Chris called to check in.  Again, I told him things were going well.  I was definitely having contractions, but they were still really mild.  I was finishing up some laundry, then planning to start supper and go outside and play a game of ladder golf I had promised Brooks.

Around 4pm, Chris suggested I let our midwife know what was happening, you know, just in case.  So I texted her and our birth photographer.  Our midwife, Belinda, called about 20 minutes later to see how I was doing.  She was actually finishing up at another birth in Iowa and her partner was also at a birth (oh dear!) but I told her contractions were still mild and that I was doing well.  I had finally come to terms that today was probably baby day, but I just wasn't sure when things would pick up.

Our photographer, Amy, and I were also texting back and forth to figure out when she should come over.  So much to try and coordinate.

I set the spaghetti sauce on the stove to simmer for dinner and then headed outside to play with the boys.  I chatted with our neighbor for a bit then proceeded to let Brooks beat me at ladder golf.  With all the walking around outside, the contractions were starting to pick up in intensity.  I was still talking through them, but it wasn't very pleasant to walk through them anymore.  During the ladder golf game, Brooks asked why I kept stopping.  I told him I was having belly squeezes.  "Do they hurt?" he asked me.  Uh huh, just a little bit, but it feels better if I stop moving when I have one."  He was very patient with me as we finished our game.  Up to this point I hadn't bothered with timing them, but I figured I should start.  5-6 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute.  Yep, this was labor.

Around 5pm, we finished up our game and I really didn't feel up to more walking.  So I headed inside to rest.  I had a contraction while heading up the stairs and I went down to my knees.  These were getting more serious.  I needed Chris home but at this point he was already on his way, so I didn't call.  I texted our doula to let her know this was indeed labor and she decided to start driving in from Brookings.  I also let Belinda know contractions were pretty close.  She was just wrapping up at the other birth and waiting on her nurse.  Then they would head up to Sioux Falls from Iowa.

I knew I needed to call Grandma Gale to come get the three other boys, but contractions were commanding more of my attention now and quite honestly, I was tired of texting people and trying to coordinate everything myself.  "Chris can handle that when he gets home" I thought.

Chris came home shortly after 5pm and immediately started filling up the birth pool.  He called Grandma Gale but she didn't answer.  A few minutes later, he called her back.  No answer.  He called Papa Gale.  No answer.  Then Bekah.  Then Heather.  No one was answering their phone.  Uh, that sucks.  So we started going through our list of regular baby sitters, knowing we needed to send our kids somewhere for the evening.  No one was answering their phone.  Now I was started to get a little panicked.  I was trying to help the boys get an overnight bag packed in between contractions, but I was not much help.  Benny woke up from a late nap and needed a diaper change.  Chris was still making phone calls and trying to gather birth supplies.  And I'm alone in our room, now moaning through contractions.  It was stressful, to say the least.  I was trying to focus on labor and block out the other noise, but it was hard.

Then Brooks came to check on me.  "Do the tummy squeezes hurt now, Mama?"  Yes, they do buddy.  It's a lot of hard working having a baby."  "Is there something I can do to help?" he asked.  What a sweet boy.  I was sitting on the ball leaning over our bed, and I asked him if he could rub my back.  So he stood next to me, laid his head on the bed near mine and rubbed my back.  I looked into his bright blue eyes, filled with concern for his Mama, and smiled.  Here was my firstborn son, taking care of me as I worked to birth his third little brother, our fourth son.  I closed my eyes and soaked in his love.  Everything was going to be ok.

Chris was going to put a movie on for the boys until we found a place for them to go, but I realized it was now 6pm, and the boys were probably hungry.  They hadn't eaten dinner yet.  Or even had an afternoon snack.  So Chris slapped some peanut butter on bread and sat them down for "dinner".

Finally I texted our neighbor, Hannah, to see if she was home and if she could take the boys, just for a few hours until we got a hold of Grandma Gale.  (my one regret of this whole labor was not texting her earlier in the day!)  Hannah wasn't home (gah!!) but her husband was and said he would take the boys.  I felt awful sending over my 3 boys (to add to their 3 little boys) but we literally had no other options.

Amy arrived around 6:15pm and was awesome at helping boil water for the pool and getting our bed ready with waterproof liners.  I told Chris that Jon would take the boys and Amy quickly offered to take them over to their house.  I laughed as I watched them through the window - she had Benny in one arm, their overnight bag in the other and they were just short of running down the sidewalk.  I was thankful to know they had a place to go.  And thankful Amy was there to take them.  I texted Belinda to let her know things were really picking up and to see if she was on her way.  She was on the road.  Whew!  At Benny's birth, the midwife barely made it there in time.  I was happy to know Belinda would be here.

Once the boys were gone, I finally settled into labor.  I stayed in our bedroom since I needed to use the bathroom often.  Around 6;30pm Suzanna arrived.  By this point contractions were really close and very intense.  I was definitely not talking or walking during them, and very little in between them either.  Chris was also with me now that the big boys were out of the house.  I really needed him with me now.

Baby was sitting so low that sitting on the ball wasn't comfortable any more and laying down wasn't comfortable when I wasn't in labor, so I wasn't even going to try that.  So I stood, leaning over our bathroom sink and moaning and swaying through each contraction.  They really hurt and each one brought on more pressure down low.  Chris and Suzanna were rubbing my back, getting me water and talking me through contractions.  I honestly have no idea who was touching me since I barely lifted my head out of my arms on the counter.  The contractions were really close and each one seemed harder than the last.

I really appreciated all the help from Chris and Suzanna but I really felt like I went inside myself during this labor.  The contractions would come and I really wanted to give up.  I wanted to let fear take hold of me.  To cry out that I didn't want to do this anymore.  But I knew I had to.  No one else could birth this baby and there was no other way around it.  I had to do it.  So with each contraction I let go.  I relaxed everything I could to make the most of each contraction.  And I had to let go of the fear.  I kept wanting to ask "how many more contractions do I have to do?" but I knew they couldn't answer that any more than I could.  So I kept leaning, and swaying and moaning.  Chris prayed over me.  I knew Amy was praying.  And I knew this baby would be here soon.

A few times Suzanna asked if I wanted to get in the tub but I always said no.  Mostly because I knew that during Benny's labor getting in the water made contractions worse.  I couldn't handle worse right now.  And partly because Belinda wasn't there yet.  And I needed her there before I got in the water since things would probably pick up then.

Contractions kept coming, sometimes they didn't end, but then I would get a short breath of relief before the next one came.  With each one I could feel more and more pressure down low and I kept hoping that I would get that "overwhelming" wave that caused me to start pushing.  But it didn't come.  Not yet.  So I kept swaying and moaning.  One of the best things Suzanna said to me was "These are really strong contractions."  So simple, yet I felt so empowered just having her acknowledge the incredible amount of work I was doing.  And to reaffirm (at least to me) that I wasn't being a wimp and that these really were hard.  And I was making it through them.

Suz also recognized that pushing wasn't too far off and encouraged me to start making my way downstairs to the birth pool.  I finally agreed.  For the last hour I hadn't left our little bathroom and as I stepped out to walk downstairs, I realized I wasn't going to make it very far.  A contraction hit and I knew I wasn't going to make it past those few steps out.  I gripped onto Chris and yelled for the whole neighborhood to hear (literally.  I realized later that our bedroom windows were wide open!  Oops.)  And with that never ending contraction, I started getting that urge to push.  I felt ok standing there, but Chris and Suz thought it would be better for me to get on my hands and knees since my legs were shaking with fatigue.

Belinda still wasn't there.  But I don't recall being worried about it.  I knew the baby would come and I knew he would be ok.  Chris, however, was getting little concerned.  Later, he told me he was thinking through having to catch this baby on his own and just praying that nothing went wrong.  And we were both so glad that Suzanna was there.  She put down the waterproof sheet on the floor and a few chux pads under me.  And while I was pushing she had Chris get in position to catch our baby.  I never sensed panic or fear.  Just Chris and I, our doula, and photographer - having a baby.

During one pushing contraction, my water broke and I kept pushing.  Oh, the primal sounds that come out during pushing!  I totally forgot how hard it is to push out a baby.  Which seems silly, but in the water, it seemed so effortless.   No burning or stretching sensation.  The baby just kinda slid out.  And during my last two births, I think I pushed for a whole 5 minutes.  This kiddo was taking what seemed like an eternity to come out.

And then I heard it.  The giant, collective sigh of relief as Belinda and her nurse came into the room.  Oh, we were all so glad she was there.

She quickly set up her things, and got into position to catch a baby.  It wasn't long after that that I had the worst contraction of my whole labor and a crazy amount of pain.  Belinda told me to push slow but I felt like I really didn't have control over pushing.  My body just took over.  Everything hurt so I didn't feel like I pushed too hard, but even if I was I don't think I could do anything about it.  So much pressure.  So much pain!  Oh my word this baby just needed to come OUT!  And then he did.  I felt his head was out and immediately there was so much relief.  A moment later his body was out and that was it!  He was here.  7:30pm on Monday evening, May 2nd.

I can't even describe the amazing feeling the comes with holding your baby for the first time.  All wet and wrinkly and perfect.  He was just perfect.  We did it.  I knew I could do it and I did.  I was so happy to not be pregnant anymore and I was so happy to finally have this little boy in my arms!

It was just a few minutes later that the placenta came out.  After that Chris cut the cord and I made my way to the bed.  This was the moment I had been waiting for.  When the pregnancy was over, the labor was over and I could just rest with a newborn baby in my arms.  Sweet bliss!  We spent time together nursing and getting to know each other.  We had two names picked out, but we decided to call him Cole Oliver.  It fit him well.

Belinda, her nurse, and Suzanna were cleaning up their things, draining the pool that I never used and making sure we were all settled in.  The pot of spaghetti sauce was still on the stove, but instead of feeding my family, it fed my birth team!  Grandma Gale eventually called us back (she left her phone in the house earlier while she went outside to work in the garden.  She wasn't expecting me to have a baby that day either!) and she came over and picked up the boys from the neighbors.  They were thrilled to have a sleepover at Grandma's house!

It was a day that started as an ordinary day, but ended with a sweet new baby in our arms.  And just like that, we were a family of six!