
Friday, August 30, 2013

20 weeks. Shouldn't this be a little more "ho hum"?

We look-ee here.  20 weeks!  (Well, I'm actually 21 weeks.  But let's just pretend I posted this on time) Half way done with this pregnancy.  Well, half-ish.  My first two babies came after their due dates and I'm expecting the same with this one.  So I suppose I'm close  to half way.  To be honest, I really don't care or keep track.
Anyway, I'm 20 weeks and here's some thoughts ....
  • Time during the beginning of this pregnancy was very definitive.  Not long days, not short.  Time just trekked along at a normal speed.  (Profound, right?)  I think it was a combination of anxiousness to meet our new family member and wanting it to slow down a bit so I could remember and enjoy it.  I also love this stage of our life.  Brooks is 4 and a super fun kid to hang out with.  Carter is just a few days shy of turning 2 and is becoming much more verbal and independent.  And they both sleep through the night (hallelujah!)  Not that I'm not excited for baby to come, I'm just super enjoying being a family of four right now!  Plus .....
  • I like being pregnant.  I really do.  I know some mamas have awful pregnancies and for many reasons, they have every right to totally hate being pregnant.  But I love it.  I love knowing there is a small human being growing inside me.  I love my expanding baby bump.  I love taking on the extra responsibility of eating really well, exercising, and praying more.  That, and I feel great!  People don't believe me, but I do.  Now, keep in mind that I'm in the 2nd trimester "sweet spot" of pregnancy, but I'm pretty sure when all the "oh, my aching lower back" and "I think I just peed my pants" comments start coming .... I'll still love being pregnant.  Maybe.  But how often in life does one get to do this?  I better enjoy it while I can.
  • I felt the baby move right around 17 weeks.  It took a while to distinguish the gas bubbles from baby flutters, but now they are definite little kicks.  And kiddo is getting stronger.  Chris even felt him/her move around!
  • This is baby #3.  We've done this twice before.  I feel like this should be old news.  Ya know, the "been there, done that" kind of stuff.  It's totally not!  I still nearly cried the first time I heard the heart beat.  Chris still runs to my side to put my hand on my tummy when I tell him the baby is moving.  I'm super excited (and a little bit nervous) to meet this new person.  I bought my first new gift for the baby last week - a hand knit newborn hat.  It's adorable.  Seriously, adorable.  And I get all misty eyed looking at it, thinking that a real baby will be wearing it.  But not just any baby ... my baby.  Weird.  And totally awesome!
  • I've gained a lot more weight with this baby than I have with my other pregnancies up to this point.  It may have something to do that I was also my smallest weight when I became pregnant with this baby. I mean, I'm still not huge, but some days that extra 25lb really makes me feel like it.  Normally I can wear my pre-pregnancy pants unbuttoned at this point but now I can't even get them over my rear end.  (sigh)  Oh well.  I know I'm eating healthy, getting enough protein and fruits & veggies and exercising regularly.  I just eat when I'm hungry to make sure baby is receiving the nutrients it needs.  It will all come off (at least that's what I'm telling myself ;)

Thursday, August 22, 2013


This morning while getting dressed, I can hear Carter downstairs hollering about something.  I go to check it out.  He meets me at the bottom of the stairs and says,


Ok buddy, let's go change your diaper.  He grabs my hand, says "poop" a few more times and starts walking with me.  Then we walk past the diapers.  And I become increasingly more concerned.

"Carter.  Where is the poop??"

To which he replies in the most adorable sing-song voice you can imagine ......


And sure enough.  We end our journey in the kitchen.  And there is, indeed, poop on the floor.

Fortunately, Carter saw the situation as a problem that required my attention and not an opportunity to finger paint.  And I'm thankful it was on the kitchen floor and not the carpet.  But still....

So I removed the leaky diaper, threw him in the shower, hosed him down, dressed the child and cleaned & sanitized the floor.

Just another day.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I miss Mama

Mom.  That's my name.  Sounds obvious, right?  Except it's not always been my name.  From the time Brooks was born I've been Mama.  I like Mama.  I've embraced Mama.  It sounds loving and sweet, yet can grow with a child.  Or so I thought.

A few weekends ago, Chris and I got away.  Not too far away.  Just to a Bed &Breakfast in Lennox.  But it was the first time ever (yes, ever) we left our kids overnight.  We had a great time and I don't think they even noticed we were gone.  But something changed in that 24 hours we were away.  During that time my four year old grew up.  And I became "Mom".  Not Mama.

I thought it would just be a phase.  Carter still calls me Mama.  Chris still refers to me as Mama.  But no.  I'm Mom.  And it seems the more I try to encourage Brooks to call me Mama, the more he calls me Mom.  Perhaps he feels more grown up saying it.  Or perhaps he likes pushing my buttons.  Because when he's not thinking about it, a "mama" will slip out.  And he seems to weave it into every sentence he speaks to me.  "Hey mom.  Mom, what can I do now, mom?  Let's do a puzzle mom.  I have to go potty mom.  Mom, what are you doing mom?"

But perhaps it's just a sign that he's growing up.  That happens I hear. (sigh)  But I miss Mama.  I miss hearing it.  I miss my little boy's first word.  And now when Brooks says it, Carter will repeat it.  It won't be long until Mama is phased out all together.  But at least I'm not alone.  Chris has morphed into Dad too instead of Daddy.  I guess we're growing up into our "big kid" names.