
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy (belated) Valentines Day

I meant to post this earlier, but I just got these pictures from Brent the other day (actually I stole them from his facebook ... shhh, don't tell)  This year for Valentines day Chris and I went to a Stampede hockey game with our friends Brent and Laura.  Sound familiar?  Well, we did the same thing last year.  Except without B & L.  We love the Valentines game because they always play Green Bay (my home town) and they always have weiner dog races that weekend!  Yep, 30 little weinies scrambling across the ice as their owners shout and wave their favorite toy, bone, snack or whatever to get them to run in the right direction and faster than any other dog.  Sound like madness?  Yep it is.  And this year, we joined in. 

We actually entered Charlie in the weiner dog race and we had a blast!  You'll notice Chris holding our feather duster.  On a typical day, Charlie LOVES that thing.  But because of all the people and noise he was too freaked out to care about it.  We thought our chances of winning were shot.  But when we lined up on the ice I just asked Charlie if he wanted to GO in the CAR, and he was like "YES, GET ME OUTTA HERE!" and he ran straight to the other end of the ice!  He ended up taking 2nd place!!!  Not too bad for a rookie if you ask me.  We had some good laughs and Charlie was just happy to go home!

So if you're looking for a fun thing to do on Valentines next year, skip the flowers and romantic dinner and go watch some guys get punched in the face and weiners dog run across ice.  Yep, that says love right there.

  Coming onto the ice.

Brent got some great photos with his paparazzi lens!  He and Laura were sitting quite a ways up.

The poor dog just wanted to go home!

And here's the guy getting punched in the face.  Too bad it was the Stampede guy taking the blow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Acrobatics & Eggs

So Brooks discovered this new trick on Saturday.  He just about gave me a heart attack until I realized that the straps can hold him in and the chair won't tip over.  This boy has no fear!

Perhaps we've been watching too much of the Olympics.  Up next, the 540 rotation with a double inverted twist! (or something like that :)

We've also started giving Brooks more table food.  We started with the Gerber puffs and he LOVES feeding himself.  He'll even try to pick up a drop of baby food if it lands on the tray.  Here he is with some eggs on Saturday morning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"All Done"

We've been trying to teach Brooks sign language over the past few months, mostly when he's eating.  We've showed him "Eat", "More", and "All Done".  We'll also sign "Daddy" when Chris walks in the room.  He's a smart little guy and I know he understands what I'm saying, but he hasn't really signed anything back to us ...

... until today!  This morning while feeding him pears and oatmeal for breakfast (yum) he started to refuse the spoon.  He'd turn his head and close his mouth.  (He had already eaten quite a bit, so he probably was full).  But I'm stubborn and persistent and kept offering it to him.  Then he held out his right hand and flipped it over two times, the sign for "all done"!!  I was so giddy I almost fogot what he was saying.  Then I said, ok we can be done.  I put away the bowl and spoon, cleaned him up and he was a happy guy.  He's so smart.  This gives me new encouragement for teaching him new signs now.  He totally gets it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rock 'em Sock 'em

Despite all the bright colored, noisy, flashy toys we have, our son would rather play with the TV remote, a piece of paper or yes ... his socks.  This is his new thing.  I even offered him a different sock the other day to chew on so he could keep his current socks on his feet, but to no avail.  He chewed on the extra sock AND the sock off his foot.  (sigh)  Whatever makes you happy :o)

Don't you just love the smug little smile on his face?  He gets a kick out of doing this.  To be honest it's pretty cute and I guess there could be worse things.  So for now, we have a sock monster on our hands!

Monday, February 8, 2010

creative cat

I had this odd realization the other day ... I used to be more creative.  I know that's a hard thing to measure, but I'm sure that I was.  In high school I crafted hand-made birthday cards, designed my own t-shirts, and choreographed my own dance routines.  In college I created costumes for classes (and for fun), organized and implemented big birthday celebrations and suprised Chris at work with all sorts of homemade stuff.  And whether it started to diminish when I started my first "real" job or when I got married or when I became a mother, I know I am not nearly as creative as I used to be.  Perhaps I'm just too busy to create things ... which is sad and not the way I want to live life.

So the other day when Chris was looking for something to do (and in an attempt to resurrect my creativity) I said "Let's bake a cake".  Yep, a cake.  I don't remember the last time I decorated a cake, but we both worked together on this one for the Superbowl party we hosted last night.  I think it turned out pretty great.  And it tasted good too. 

Chris set up the 3-4 defense. Quite clever if you ask me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Eat Baby Eat - part 2

On Monday I went to see the lactation consultant to follow-up from the doctor's visit and make sure feeding was going ok.  I arrived and she weighed Brooks.  I'm pretty sure most of the babies they see are much smaller because Brooks' lower half was hanging off the edge of the scale!  It was pretty funny.  She weighed him and he was over 16lbs.  (He only weighed in at 15lb 9oz at the doc's office)  So he's already put on some weight.  That's good.  Then I started feeding him while she tested the calories in my milk.  I don't think I spent more than 30 minutes there and when it was all said and done, we discovered that my milk is, well,  normal.  Normal amount of calories, normal amount of ounces at a feeding ... normal everything! 

What I figured is that Brooks was going through this crazy growth spurt the last few weeks.  He ate all the time and was sometimes fussy even after feedings.  So that's what made me fear that I wasn't producing enough or good enough milk for him.  But we're coming out of that growth spurt and everything is balancing out.  The lactition also gave me some good tips on working through growth spurts, incorporating solids foods and other good stuff.

Whew.  So that put my new mommy fears at bay.  I felt kinda silly afterwards knowing it was all probably in my head, but I'm so glad to have that reassurance that everything is ok.  It was also refreshing talking to someone who understands breastfeeding.  There's not a calculated amount of ounces at each feeding.  And sometimes baby needs to nurse more, sometimes less.  But it's all ok.  I just need to remember that my body knows exactly what my little guy needs and everything will be ok.  Yep, it will all be ok.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Domestic Monday

Mondays are my day off and I always enjoy them because I accomplish a ton of stuff around the house.  So far today I put supper in the crock pot, stopped by Caribou for a cup of coffee and a chat with friends, went grocery shopping, visited the lactation consultant to find answers to our feeding issues (more on that later), baked cookies, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and am now blogging.  Feels good to get so much accomplished.

My "meat and potatoes" man said he wanted a roast for supper.  So in almost 5 years of marriage, this is my first attemp at a roast.  Hopefully it turns out ok.

All my yummy chocolate chip cookies!  There would have been more but umm, well, I ate a bunch already.