
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cole Oliver. 10 months.

Cole has acquired a new nickname.  Action Beaver.  He's SO busy (like a beaver) and always seeks a thrill (action).  He loves to be thrown in the air, spun around and wrestled.  He's only 10 months old, but is already holding his own tumbling around with his big brothers. This kid keeps me on my toes!!

At 10 months old, Cole ...

  • is still wearing size 9 month clothes.  Which is weird, because at this age Benny was in 18 month clothes!!  With how active he is, Cole doesn't have a chance to be a chubby baby.  He's quite muscular for a little dude.
  • is a kid on the move.  If he's awake, he literally never sits still.  Even if you're holding him, he's trying to climb your shoulders and bounces all over.
  • has been pulling himself up to standing for a few months, but has just started taking steps along furniture.  Walking is not too far off.
  • is *finally* starting to sleep longer stretches at night (knock on wood).  We bought a sheep skin rug which is supposed to help with sleep, and over the course of a few weeks he's gone from waking every 1-2 hours at night to consistently sleeping 3-5 hours at a time.  Hallelujah!  We've also starting using magnesium lotion on his feet before bed and I think that's helped too.
  • takes two good naps during the day - one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon.  I definitely enjoy the break.  I love that kid, but he destroys everything when he's awake.
  • learned to sign "more" when eating.  He folds his hands together and lifts them into the air.  It took me a while to figure out that's what he was saying, but he seemed pleased as punch when he signed it and I offered more food.
  • eats everything.  Fruits, veggies, meats, oatmeal.  Bath time has become a regular occurrence because he also wears most of the food I feed him too. Ha!
  • has become less interested in nursing.  Perhaps it's because he's eating more foods or that he's just too busy to stop and nurse, but I usually have to force him to sit down and nurse (in a quiet room without distractions). But even when he's on my lap, he's grabbing at my nose, pulling on my lips or scratching my chest! Ugh!
  • loves being outside!  Now that's it's getting a little warmer out, Cole's enjoying stroller rides around the block.  He's going to have a lot of fun this summer!
  • still puts everything in his mouth.  Every.thing.  I really should brush up on my CPR & Heimlich skills. 
  • still loves bath time.  And he's figured out that splashing is super fun!
  • has starting drooling a lot again, but no new teeth have popped in.
  • loves to laugh.  His belly is very ticklish and always giggles when we blow raspberries.  His brother's silly noises and antics usually are good for a laugh too.  He'll even laugh if you just look at him and laugh.  He's such a happy baby!

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