
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Watch Me Grow: 2 Months

those are not bunny ears by the way ...  they're my feet :)
My sweet baby boy is 2 months old!!  Can you believe it??  I keep thinking that the 8 weeks leading up to his birth took forever and the 8 weeks since have flown by.  Here's what's new in life with Carter.
  •  This month Carter earned a new nickname.  Captain Fussy Pants.  But after a chiropractic adjustment and cutting dairy out of my diet (sad), I'm happy to say he's doing much much better.  Now he's the sweet and smiley boy that I always knew he was.
  • He's nursing about every 3 hours or so.  Sometimes less, usually more.  He's a pretty efficient eater now.  We can be done in less than 10 minutes.  
  • Carter is sleeping longer stretches at night, usually only waking twice to eat.  And after eating, he'll go right back to sleep.  Awesome!  Despite his fussy-ness during the day, he's always slept well at night.  And after our early morning feeding, he just stays in bed with us and snuggles.  I love it!
  • He's getting stronger every day.  He can hold his head up really well and when supported can put all his weight on his legs.
  • Speaking of legs, they're super chubby and cute!  He's really filling out and I love his pudgy little rolls.
  • When you look at Carter and smile, he'll smile right back and coo at you.  Melts my heart every time.  What mother doesn't love those huge toothless grins?  Usually when I pull out the camera Carter just stares at it in amazement rather than smiling.  But Chris was able to capture these few smiles before we headed out one evening.

Isn't that hat just adorable?  It's ok, you can say it.  He's pretty much the cutest kid ever!

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