
Thursday, March 28, 2013

3 year olds are the worst at keeping secrets

Today we celebrated Chris' 31st birthday!  And considering how last year's "celebration" went, we decided to keep it low key ... just us.  It was great.

We started the morning with french toast topped with fried bananas for breakfast.  And let me just say, bananas fried in coconut oil are, um, amazing!  Then we surprised Daddy at work late morning and took him out to lunch at Qdoba.  This evening we celebrated with Chicago style deep dish pizza and ice cream cake.  Whew!  Let's just say mama needed to change into her stretchy pants to finish out the evening.
That is the mother of all pizza servers.  Seriously.  It's the size of my hand.

And in the midst of all the food binging, Chris opened presents.  Which is the funny part.  Yesterday the boys and I went shopping for Chris' gifts.  Brooks decided that Daddy wanted a squirt gun.  So that's what we bought him.  Then to have a few more things to wrap, we also bought him a candy bar (definitely a rarity in our home).  When Chis came home for lunch that day, the first thing out of Brooks' mouth was "Daddy!  We bought you a CANDY BAR!!"

(::slaps forehead::)

Brooks, sweetheart.  We want Daddy's presents to be a surprise.  We can't tell him what we bought for his birthday.

Brooks:  Oh, ok.  So I won't tell him about the squirt guns we got him.

Right.  Don't do that.

I had also made Chris some of his favorite granola for his birthday.  I was pretty excited the he would have at least one surprise gift.  Before Chris even opened any presents tonight, Brooks made sure to remind him that there was a candy bar and a squirt gun wrapped up.  But then I, proudly yet foolishly, declared "But you don't know what's in this one".

To which Brooks replied, "That's granola.  Mama made you granola and put it in a jar!  I helped wrap the jar with Mama.

(sigh)  Moral of the story?  If you want to keep anything a secret ... DON'T tell a three year old!  We both had some really good laughs and Chris still liked his gifts, spoiled surprise and all!

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