
Sunday, April 1, 2012

In my mind, I saw that going much differently

Chris turned 30 this week.  Yep, the be three o.  And to mark the big occasion, we decided to do it up big this year.  Big party, lots of friends, cake, party favors, the whole works!  But ... well ... it didn't quite go as planned.  At all.  It actually started on his actual birthday, on Wednesday.

The day started well with a big breakfast and opening gifts.  But later that morning, I totally and completely threw out my back.  That happens from time to time, but of course it had to happen on his birthday.  That evening for dinner we grabbed some Pickle Barrel subs (which may have been the best part of the day) and headed to the park.  And, oh friends, it hurt to walk.  But sitting on my tush at home really wasn't an option.  So I limped along and pushed my kids on the swing and we sang happy birthday and really did have a good time.  Minus the shooting pain in my back, that is.

Then we headed to the arcade for our annual game of skeet ball (in which I always win, might I add)  We had a lot of fun.  And I even let Chris win a few games :)  Brooks had a great time too!  Until we had to leave.  And then he threw the most epic 2 year old tantrum I've heard in a long time.  Cupcakes + lots of stimulation = really really crabby kid.  Chris dragged him out kicking and screaming (literally) and the screaming continued well until after he was in bed.  So, um, happy birthday honey.  Hope it was fun :)

Then Saturday was Chris' party.  The Mustache Party!  We had spent weeks (WEEKS!) planning his party.  Invitation, games, party favors, decorations, cake, food.  It was a ton of work but I was sooooo excited to pull this all together.  I really wanted to celebrate Chris and make him feel special.  And all was going according to plan until .................

Brooks puked.  Yep, puked.  Everything was all set up - it looked great - and just as guests were arriving Brooks threw up all over himself and his chair.  Oh.  Chris was great and cleaned him up, because I was holding an already overtired baby (on my still sore back).  But during that time Brooks was asking to go play with his friends and eat pizza.  So we thought it was just a fluke.  But then he puked again.  And again.  (sigh)  I needed to take him home.

So I left.  Less than an hour after it started, I left my husband's 30th birthday party that I was hosting to take care of a really tired baby and puking toddler.  I can't even describe to you the disappointment I felt.  All that work and I couldn't even be there to enjoy it.  I made my rounds and said good-bye to friends before I left, trying to be upbeat about it all.  But inside I just wanted to scream "THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!"  Why, of all days, does my son get sick today?? 

I couldn't blame him.  It wasn't his fault.  But a guy only turns 30 once and this was the year to celebrate!  But instead of enjoying an evening with Chris and our friends, I spent the night going back and forth between trying to soothe a crying baby and cleaning up puke.  It was a long three hours, my friends.

And from what I heard, people still had a pretty good time and Chris still felt special.  But it just wasn't the same.  It wasn't at all how I had planned.  And if life gave you mulligans, well, this would have been the perfect time to use it.

(I'll post pictures later.  There were some really great moments both days and I don't want them to be completely overshadowed by the above-mentioned events)

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