
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birthday "Little Bird"

For starters, Brooks has aquired the nickname "Little Bird". Here's why:

•When you go to pick him up he sticks his arms straight out to the side. Not up. Out.
•When he's really excited about something he'll "flap" his arms in sheer joy!
•Before he begins to nurse, he opens and closes his mouth several times like a little baby bird. It's pretty cute :)
•He's as skinny as a bird. Despite the fact that he eats like a horse, he's still just a tiny little guy. (we have a Dr. appt next week to see how much he's grown - hopefully it goes well)

The name fits on so many levels!

Anyway, today my baby is ONE!!! It's so hard to believe - this year has just flown by. I'm starting to believe people when they say life speeds up the older you get. I miss these tiny baby days ....

.... but I LOVE watching my little bird grow up - he's discovering and learning so much! And he has such a personality. 

Today is a big day for me too as last year on this day I was working my tail off trying to get this kiddo on the outside.  (Chris was working pretty hard himself that day :)  I find myself checking my watch thoughout the day and thinking of what I was doing exactly one year ago.  It's kinda weird.  And as the years pass I'm sure thinking about his actual "birth" may diminish .... but then again maybe they won't.  I had a dad tell me that every year on their kids' birthdays, they'd tell them the story of their birth (minus any unpleasant details, I'm sure)  The kids would ask to hear their "birth"day stories throughout the year, but he would only tell it on their special day.  I kinda like that.  I think we might start that tradition in our family.

Not only was it a wonderful day bringing my baby into this world, but it was a day full of answered prayer and miracles.  Last year, the day before Brooks was born, we found out the cord was wrapped around his neck two times.  The doc wanted to induce, but we didn't.  So we prayed.  We prayed that my body would go into labor on it's own .... that we would go into labor the next day and get a good night's sleep beforehand .... we prayed for an uncomplicated natural delivery ... and above all, we prayed that our baby would be safe.  And wouldn't you know that God was listening???  He answered every one of our prayers.

The next day contractions started all on their own at 5am (after a good night's sleep).  I labored all day and Brooks was born at 6:40pm - totally natural and drug free.  And here's the kicker.  The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 3 TIMES!!  My midwife (who has delivered over 1000 babies) said his was the longest cord she's ever seen!  He should have never been born naturally.  What an amazing God we serve!  And he has heard our prayers all year - to keep Brooks healthy, growing strong, developing normally.  I couldn't imagine being a mom and raising a family without my Savior.

So Happy Birthday Little Bird.  I love you!!!!

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