
Sunday, September 19, 2010

15 months

It's official.  I've been a mother for 15 months now!  I can't believe how big Brooks is getting and how fast the time flies (I know I know everyone says that, but it's true is it not??)  He is such a joy in our lives and I love love love staying home with him.  I love knowing everything about him.  Like when he's really concentrating on something, he sticks out his tongue (like his mama :)  And that when he's all done he says "ah dah" - along with signing it.  Or how he throws back his head and flashes this big goofy grin with all his crooked teeth when he's really really hapy.  I love my Brooks baby.

Here's what else he's doing at 15 months:
  • He's crawling really well now.  It only took him 13 months to figure it out.  sheesh.
  • standing up on furntiture and walking along it - but still not walking independently yet
  • eating everything.  And a lot of it.  A typical breakfast includes a whole banana, 2 pieces of toast (or graham crackers), 6+ oz. milk and maybe a handful of cereal.  Whew, this kid can eat.  Plus a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, supper and a quick snack or glass of milk before bed.  Good grief, I can hardly wait until he's a teenager.  We're gonna go broke!
  • We're all done nursing now.  That actually happened a month ago, but he's fully adjusted to it now.  And it's working out well for everyone. 
  • He LOVES puppies.  And cats.  And fish.  And any animal that moves really.  He squeals and claps his hands.  And God bless our dog who tolerates all the smacking, er, I mean "petting" Brooks does to him.
  • Books.  He abosutely loves books!  That's the first toy he pulls off his shelf.  And I can proudly say that I now have "Brown Bear Brown Bear", "Strawberries are Red", "Buzz Buzz Busy Bees", "Goodnight Moon" and countless other books memorized!
  • He's signing really well now.  He uses the signs "more", "eat", "all done", "puppy", "daddy", and "brush teeth" regularly.
  • The separation anxiety has been lessening.  He cries when we leave him in the nursery at church, but usually only for a minute.  Then he has a great time playing and reading books of course!
  • He loves sand and dirt.  He's definitely a boy.  Sandboxes are his favorite at the playground!  He likes to swing too.
  • And Brooks is becoming more and more attached to his Daddy. And I love watching the two of them play and laugh together.  It's a special relationship between a father and son and Brooks is blessed to have the BEST daddy ever!!

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