
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today I will Rejoice

Early yesterday morning a student of mine (and a new friend) gave birth to her twin boys, Isaac Ryan and Caleb Mark.  She was 31 weeks pregnant.  And as you can imagine, the boys are very premature, but stable in the NICU.  And my heart is sad.  And happy.  And ... I don't know.  When a baby is born, the event is usually surrounded by celebration and rejoicing.  And although we rejoice at the birth of these precious babies, I'm sad knowing the great struggle that lies ahead.  Not only are they premature, but during the many ultrasounds they had, it was discovered that the boys have some kind of genetic birth defects.  Definitely physical, possibly mental.

And then this is when I ask what I'm sure everyone is asking.  Why?  Why God?  But I've found myself not asking "why are these babies sick?" but rather "why are my babies healthy?"  Why was I able to carry my babies to term?  Why are they healthy?  And growing strong?  What did I do to deserve that?

Ryan and Barbara, Isaac & Caleb's parents, are incredible people with a faith that humbles me.  I know they've cried and asked the "why's" but they somehow continue to look to God for strength through all of this.  And although we may never have answers to the "why" in this situation, I guess this is where we trust that God does.  He knows.  He didn't make a mistake.  These boys were born in this way to these parents for a reason.  But I'm still a little sad.  And I continue to pray.  Oh, have I prayed.

And so today I've hugged my children a little tighter.  Thanked God for them a little more.  And today I rejoice.  I rejoice that my boys are strong and healthy.  I rejoice that God has an intentional plan for everyone on this earth and that I get to be a part of that plan.

If you will, friends, please pray for Ryan & Barbara and their boys, Isaac and Caleb.  I can't tell you how to pray or what to pray for because I still don't know myself.  But please pray.  God knows.  You can follow their story and updates on their blog.

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