
Sunday, May 3, 2009

34 Weeks

Wow! It hardly seems that we only have 6 weeks to go until baby arrives. Some days I feel really ready and others I feel so unprepared. But ready or not, he's coming. Still making final preparations in the baby's room. I'm excited for him to get here.

I believe what people call "pregnancy brain" has fully kicked in. I find myself doing really dumb things or not being able to think of a word in a sentence. Unfortunatley I've been told pre-pregnancy brain never returns. I can just feel my college education slipping away (if only the loans would slip away too). All I can say is that this kid better be a genius with all the brain cells he's stealing from me :o)

Chris and I are still working hard preparing for the labor & delivery. He's already being a really good coach. He's making sure I do my excercises every day and eating vegetables. He'll even cook veggies for dinner if I forget. My husband, who could live off of pizza and pot pies for the rest of his life, is steaming broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. I'm so proud. We're still really enjoying our Bradley classes and learning so much. Let's just hope we're as prepared to actually care for the baby when he comes home as much as we are for the birth of the baby.

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