
Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 Posts of Christmas {1} The Tree

So in an attempt to capture the Christmas moments this year (both big and small) I've decided to do 12 Posts of Christmas.  I can't promise they will be exciting or even worth reading to most of you, but this is my way of remembering, since I don't scrapbook or journal.  (Does anyone actually scrapbook anymore??)  And yes I realize today is December 15 and that 12 days from now it will be Dec 26, one day after Christmas, but given that I have a very busy 2 year old and a sometimes very fussy 3 month old, I haven't had time to get to this until now.  So here goes .......

The first weekend in December we decided to put up the Christmas tree.  I'm finally getting used to putting the tree up earlier in the season.  In my house growing up, we were lucky if the thing was up and decorated the week before Christmas.  And one particular year we were putting up ornaments on Christmas Eve.  So the thought of putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving was beyond bizarre to me.  But I'm coming around.

I would absolutely LOVE to have a real tree for Christmas.  But every year we're either in a place where we can't have one or we can't afford one.  So out of the box it came.

Brooks insisted on helping put the tree together.  So it took twice as long.  And I have to admit that both Chris and I are task oriented people and like to finish a project quickly.  (hello first born)  So it's a stretch for us to step back and allow Brooks to "help".  But it's good.  We're learning.

Brooks fixed the tree for us.  Whew!  Thanks buddy!

Then came time for the ornaments.

Brooks was a super helper.  He arranged all the ornaments.  And they've since been re-arranged at least a dozen times.  They're basically cool toys you can hang on a tree.  We've found Christmas ornaments in our bathroom sink, on the kitchen floor, in his bed and just about everywhere else you can imagine.  And when we ask him to put them back on the tree, they all get clumped together on like three branches.  (let go of the need to space the ornaments evenly, Ashley.  Just let it go.)  Christmas is with a two year old!!

Oh, and where's the baby you ask?  Here's how Carter spent his first holiday decorating.....

He was having a great time, can you tell??

But I loved seeing his face when he woke up and saw the tree!

The lights are pretty much awesome! 

And now every morning when Brooks wakes up he says "I go downstairs and see my tree".  He's pretty proud of it, and so are we.

1 comment:

  1. Who needs an activity mat when you got a Christmas tree? ;)
